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Monday, November 16, 2009

Oh Christmas Tree, Oh Christmas Tree.......

Well, it's getting to be that time of the year again. Have you noticed the Christmas (oh excuse me - holiday"stuff" that's beginning to show up in the stores all around town?  Boy, Christmas comes around again faster and faster each year it seems. Why is that I wonder? I must be getting old or something. Time seems to be speeding up. It sure isn't me that is speeding up!

As an aside, you might as well know that I'm "nipping" the political correctness nonsense in the bud.  None of that for me!  December 25th is Christmas for crying out loud.  You don't hear people saying "Happy Holiday" on February 14th do you or on Mother's Day or Father's Day?  That's enough.....I'm not even going to go there right now - maybe some other day.  On December 12th I'll gladly start saying Happy Hanukkah to my Jewish friends and family.  That reminds me of my Jewish girl friend in high school.  Her family did choose to put up a Christmas tree in December.  I don't know why.  I suppose because there were only two Jewish kids in our school and I guess maybe my friend was a little envious of all the Christmas hoopla like presents and decorations that all of her friends got to enjoy.  So I guess her parents didn't want her to feel left out so they "caved in" to the wordly secular stuff in order to make their only child happy.  Who knows?  I'm just guessing.  Anyway, one year, they suddenly found out that Grandma was coming for an unexpected visit and would arrive that very day.  Boy, the entire family (and I)  hustled around hiding all evidence of Christmas in that house that day!  But I digress.....

There are lots of things about this time of the year, the Christmas season, that are addressed in the Bible. It may come as a surprise to you about some of them though. Some things that we just assume are in there, are not;  some things that we don't think are in there, are!  This "posting" may appeal to you "Scrooges" out there who really don't want much of anything to do with all of the Christmas hustle/bustle anymore. Some of you who are very thorough in your study of the Word will already know all about it. Others, not-so-much....  You may be taken aback and totally shocked about one of our favorite yuletide traditions, the highly ornamented and beautifully decorated Chrismas tree.  Ahhhh, yes, it brings such joy to gaze upon our gorgeous, glamorously decorated and brightly lit Christmas trees!  They're so beautiful, aren't they?  They help usher in this season of great joy and glad tidings!

Not so fast.  Have you ever even bothered to wonder what God might have to say about these decorated trees?  I never even thought about it until one day years ago when I suddently really noticed  this scripture in Jeremiah. there really anything in the Bible about Christmas trees you ask?  Well, not specifically Christmas trees per se but there is something that sounds very similar to them but it's probably not what you are going to expect to hear.  Ready?  Let's look at Jeremiah 10: 2-5.

"Thus saith the Lord, Learn not the way of the heathen, and be not dismayed at the signs of heaven; for the heathen are dismayed at them.  For the customs of the people are in vain: for one cutteth a tree out of the forest, the work of the hands of the workman, with the axe.  They deck it with silver and with gold; they fasten it with nails and with hammers, that it move not.  They are upright as the palm tree, but speak not; they must needs be borne, because they cannot go.  Be not afraid of them; for they cannot do evil, neither also is it in them to do good." Jeremiah 10: 2-5.

Oh no, you just popped my bubble!  I love Christmas trees.  Yeah, me too.  But this does sound eerily like a Christmas tree, doesn't it?  Cutting a tree from the forest with an axe, decking it with silver and gold (notice the word "decking" - like in Deck the Halls....), fastening it with nails and hammers (sounds like those now old-fashioned wooden Christmas tree stands) so that it won't move or fall down.  It has to be carried (it must be "borne" because it cannot go).  Oh my, it DOES sound just like a modern day Christmas tree!  Wow!  Who would have guessed that these decorated trees might be a no-no in God's eyes?  Not me.  I was really shocked by it the very first time I read it years ago.  You never hear anyone teaching about it either, do you?

So where did this tradition come from anyway?  These verses (which were written a long time before Jesus was even born) indicate that this particular activity was practiced by pagans who worshipped false gods.  Certainly NOT the Creator of the universe!  The fact that the word "vain" is used here shows that this was a useless practice.  Also, God clearly says to "learn not the way of the heathen."  These long-ago pagans did much the same thing that we do today; at least it's what we did before we started buying our Christmas trees at neighborhood corner lots or in the grocery store parking lots.  They went out into the forest and picked a tree, cut it down with an axe, brought it home, made a wooden "stand" for it so it wouldn't fall over, and decorated it with gold and silver ornaments of some kind.  Sound familiar? 

What does this all mean?  I don't know for sure but I'm thinking that God doesn't particularly like His children (that would be us) participating in pagan worship practices.  Turns out a lot of our traditional holidays from all cultures are based on pagan practices.  They don't really have anything at all to do with God or Jesus. 

I'm not saying that it's a sin to have a Christmas tree.  I'm just relating what this one particular scripture has to say about "glitzed up" trees full of "bling."  Use your own judgment on this one.  The Bible is full of interesting little tidbits like this and for some reason I am fascinated by them.  This is just ONE of many Christmas traditions that have absolutely nothing to do with Christ at all.   Maybe we'll talk about some more of them later.

In the meantime, you be the judge.  I'm just giving you a little tidbit of insight you can "chew on" for a while and amaze your friends with your knowledge.  I'm just sayin'........  They might laugh at you.  Then again, maybe they'll find it interesting too.  I'm not sure that it's a big deal in the whole realm of things but I just found it kind of fascinating.   


1 comment:

  1. I never read that verse. Yeah..that's definitly the X-Mas tree. You think that's confusing? How about having a child whose birthday is on Dec. 25th. Every yr. he has to compete with Jesus...poor kid. I always tell Patrick he was born on Dec. 25th, but Jesus was not. However, some kids birthday is on the same day as His real birthday..yet they don't have a clue.
    What about the Wise men? There's no indication there were only 3 of them. We know they didn't show up until Jesus was at least 2 yrs. old. The Christmas story told yr. after yr. generation after generation in churches is an outright lie about them being at the manger scene. It isn't true. HELLO! I've never heard any pastor admitting to the fact that they're taking poetic lisence to make the true story more convenient.
    If you think that's crazy...what until you learn about how satanic Valentines Day is. :)
