This is a sobering and often misunderstood topic. Many of us are very concerned about that very situation happening to our own loved ones. We don't want them to have to undergo living during the tribulation after the rapture of the Church. We pray fervently for their salvation NOW. But, in the very back of our minds, we might think, "Well, if it comes to pass that they don't "make" the rapture, at least they can get "saved" during the tribulation." Although that's not a particularly comforting thought, at least it's better than not ever getting "saved" at all. We might need to rethink that last thought though and come to the understanding that TODAY is the day of salvation; not post-rapture. Let's see what the Word has to say about it.
Let's look at II Thessalonians 2:9-12 (NIV): "(9)The coming of the lawless one will be in accordance with the work of satan displayed in all kinds of counterfeit miracles, signs and wonders, (10) and in every sort of evil that deceives those who are perishing. They perish because they refused to love the truth and so be saved. (11) For this reason God sends them a powerful delusion so that they will believe the lie (12) and so that all will be condemned who have not believed the truth but have delighted in wickedness."
This is an often overlooked and misunderstood couple of scriptures. So short but so very powerful and very, very important. So what does it mean? After God removes the Holy Spirit (the restrainer), it looks like there isn't going to be any more opportunity for salvation for some people. Who are these people? Well, they are the people who are either inside or outside of the Church who, after adequately hearing the Truth of God's Word (the gospel), have willingly and intentionally refused to love that Truth and have chosen instead to delight in the wickedness of the world. Please note that some of these people are INSIDE the church faithfully attending church and perhaps doing many good works but they are not in relationship with the Lord and living in obedience to Him.
God will send these people (v. 11) a powerful delusion so that they may never again have an opportunity to believe the truth that they refused to believe earlier. What truth? The gospel truth! They will forever be doomed to believe "the lie" (v. 12) of satan. God's purpose in doing this is so that they will be condemned. Sounds harsh but that is straight out of verse 12.
Therefore, and this is very important to understand, for those who have already heard and understood God's Word, yet have not loved its truth (they've heard but have rejected the gospel) but have chosen instead the pleasure of sin, "no sacrifice for sins is left, but only a fearful expectation of judgment" (Heb. 10:26-31 - some very sobering scriptures to read!). Salvation during the days of the tribulation will be offered ONLY to those who have NEVER had an adequate opportunity to receive the knowledge of the truth or to hear and understand the gospel.
There are many in the world who have never heard and understood the gospel. However, I maintain that is pretty much NOT the case in the USA and in most of the so-called "western" world with a church on every corner and a TV evangelist on hundreds of TV stations and preachers and teachers teaching the Word on thousands of radio stations across this country and around the world day and night 24/7.
If you are a true believer and seriously dedicated to the Lord, I'm pretty sure you've probably witnessed to and explained the gospel to your children, spouses, brothers, sisters, parents, and other family and loved ones. So they've already heard it, probably many times over. If they have rejected it and continue to reject it right up until the rapture of the Church, I believe it will be too late.
What about the "Left Behind" book series? Many, many get "saved" during the tribulation in that series of novels. Well, what about it? Well, in my opinion, it is not scripturally sound (based on the above scriptures) and is therefore doctrinally wrong. I just wish that anyone who is going to go to all the work of writing a book and/or making a movie would make it scripturally accurate. Have you ever noticed that problem when you're watching some of the television "epic" movies about Jesus? Most of them are not scripturally accurate. Why won't they just add a true man or woman of the Word to advise them on their projects? How hard would that be?
I'm not a Bible scholar by any means. I'm just a lay person who carefully and in great detail reads and studies the Word. I might be wrong and I hope that I am actually because I have a large family of unsaved loved ones. However, these scriptures tell a different story. I sure can't rely on my family and friends getting "saved" after the rapture during the tribulation. They've all heard the gospel. They "get it" but they just reject it as a bunch of nonsense. Their eyes are blinded because of lack of faith (2Cor. 4:4). It's something to at least think about, isn't it? It's all the more reason to put a fire in our mouth and spread the Word, especially to our own loved ones! TODAY is the day of salvation! Why take the chance? We must be BOLDER in our witness and less concerned about being rejected. It's not too late yet. But one day it will be.
I think that most of us who are mature Christians can read the signs of the times. We know that the time is short. His coming truly is soon and getting sooner every single day, every single minute. Let's stop wasting time. Eternity is at stake for our so-far lost loved ones. But there's still hope. It's not too late yet. We've got to keep working while it is still day! Darkness is coming but it's not here yet! Don't give up! Keep praying, keep witnessing, keep ministering, keep studying God's Word, keep on keepin' on!
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Worried About Those Who Are "Left Behind"?
2 Thessalonians,
Bible Study,
Left Behind,
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Excellent article Ms. Berean. You know what? I indicated to my son that he might be able to get saved during the tribulation, but it will be extremely difficult. THe scriptures you brought out really cleared that up for me. I'm committing those to memory. Check out Hebrews 10:29 "Of how much worse punishment do you suppose will he be, thought worthy who has trampled the Son of God underfoot, counted the blood of the covenant by which he was sanctified a common thing , and insulted the Spirit of Grace."
I have a "target" prayer that I've prayed over my sons for last few years. It's that the Lord would give them a love for the truth. I pray that for myself, that God would give me a love for His truth and that it would consume me. Of course we know that "the truth" is Jesus and Jesus is the word. Just the other day I was thinking about how amazing it is to know the truth in spite of what anyone else says or does. I was one who was always blowing with the winds of change in my 20's.I was easily influenced by anyone with an opinion. I'm toasting truth today!
ReplyDeleteThat is an excellent prayer and one that I will remember to begin praying for myself and for my daughter and other lost family members too. There is nothing in this world better than knowing and understanding the Truth and the Word (one and the same thing). I too, even in my 20s and 30s, was lost out there in the world following after every "New Age" thing that came around and/or experimenting with all kinds of paranormal/occult things. Of course, I didn't have a clue what occult even meant back then since I had virtually no background in the Word and pretty much no knowledge of God, let alone an actual personal relationship with Him. I am so thankful that he called me and that I was listening at the time that he called the loudest. That is the single most important thing that has ever happened to me in my entire life or ever will in the future. The spiritual "blinders" were removed from my eyes and all of a sudden everything was so clear. I wondered why I hadn't seen it before that. I didn't understand about the "veil" over the eyes then. The only way to have that veil removed is to accept the Lord based strictly 100% on faith. After that moment in time, it all becomes so crystal clear. Thanks for your comments!
ReplyDeleteThis was an excellent article. I have always wondered this myself, and in particular in a nation like the US, where we are free to worship without threat of the govt coming in with machine guns to mow us down (yet)....if you could not commit to Christ right now, when there is no severe penalty to be paid, how would one ever do it when the tribulation occurs and antichrist is going to lop off your head for your testimony? I do not believe there will be many converts at all, as many preachers preach there will be. I think there will be people left behind who professed Christ but were not in right relationship with Him (remember, "they confessed with their mouths but were far from me.")
ReplyDeleteAt the time of the church being removed, these ones I think may realize the gravity of their mistake and fall prey to those under the great delusion from God. Realizing their error, they may choose to make testimony and suffer the consequences, but otherwise, I don't see how
many will come to Christ under the tribulation, and then the GREAT tribulation. But only God knows....I think with New Age and even the falling away that has begun within the church NOW, the great delusion is here. We are seeing pastors fall away, we are seeing false teachings all the time, even on reputable Christian channels. It is IMPERITIVE for God's people called by His Name, to know their scriptures for themselves, because we are warned even God's elect could fall under this coming delusion. There are a lot of wolves out there now, circling the sheep, and many wolves have made it inside. The bottom line is our church cannot save us, our pastors cannot save us, no evangelist, or prophet, or apostle, or anyone else out there.....only Jesus.....and only if WE commit and surrender ourselves to that one on one relationship with Him. That is where it is all at, it is ONE ON and one and nothing else.
AMEN Brother or Sister Anonymous (above)! You are right on target. There are so few people who actually "get it" regarding what's going on in the institutional "Church" system today. It's become very dysfunctional sad to say. It seems there are more wolves leading the sheep than true men of God now. Jesus warned us about this. It's all in His Word. Too few people really read and study His Word though. Most people (not all) sitting "in the pews" today are pretty biblically ignorant. Whose fault is that? Their own and their shepherd's too. The shepherd (pastor) is supposed to protect his sheep from danger. That includes the danger of the predatory wolves with all of their ridiculous false teachings. I could write a book.....but... many good ones have already been written on this subject. The point is though that each of us MUST read the Word on our own and study it thoroughly. We will each be held accountable by God for our choices one of these days. Thanks for your comments above. God bless you!